Jacdec Ranking 2018

Countries that do not or only sporadically publish accident investigations, got a lower rating, such as China, Malaysia, Thailand, and Turkey.Coming back to our index criteria: we distinguish whether an event is a The results of this investigation will be published on a website and can be viewed by everyone.It may dawn on you that even the best kind of Airline Safety Index must be regarded as imperfect because of the complexity of all it takes to minimize the risk of accidents. "Die Bemühungen von Flugzeugherstellern, Luftverkehrswirtschaft und Behörden, das hohe Sicherheitsniveau im Luftverkehr zu erhalten, zahlen sich also aus", meint der BDL-Hauptgeschäftsführer Matthias von Randow. The new Risk-Index is built around the perspective of a passenger who intends to distinguish airlines by their existent level of safety risks rather than their ratio between bygone accidents and flight performance. Der Markt sei positiver als oft dargestellt - auch wenn die Bezahlung nicht mehr so üppig sei wie früher. While countries like the USA, the UK, Canada, France or Australia took the lead and implemented an exemplary system of reporting, investigation, and publishing of any relevant safety cases regardless of whether the major flag carriers are involved or not. To us all accidents that are being investigated and documented by authorities are relevant. We would be a phony to deny that. As of 2018 more than 3600 official reports have been analyzed by JACDEC. Zwischenbilanz 2018: Deutlich mehr Luftfahrtunfälle in Deutschland Jacdec-Ranking: Das sind die sichersten Airlines der Welt We found 2017 is the perfect year to start a new method of measuring safety by making full use of our extensive and steadily growing database where we stored over 14,000 single occurrences in civil air-transportation. This means 366 % more criteria than before.We all are dealing with any number of risks in our everyday lives and in particular when it comes to air travel. Latest JACDEC-Twitter posts

Seit 2013 veröffentlicht das Hamburger Flugunfallbüro JACDEC jedes Jahr ein Ranking der sichersten großen Fluggesellschaften.

To us all accidents that are being investigated and documented by authorities are relevant.
Lion-Air-Unglück in Indonesien: Familie von Absturz-Opfer verklagt Boeing Doch inzwischen sei der Markt weitgehend leer gefegt. Also, Brazil, Colombia, South Africa, Germany, Indonesia, Japan, Taiwan, and the Scandinavian countries have a comparably high level of transparency resulting in a positive impact on our Index calculations. Obwohl der Abschlussbericht der Ermittler erst im kommenden Jahr vorliegen wird, ist bereits für den Luftfahrtexperten Heinrich Großbongardt klar: "Dieser Unfall ist vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen Unfallbilanz ein Alarmsignal für mich." Denn regional seien in diesem Jahr die meisten schweren Unfälle bei Airlines im asiatischen Raum passiert. Die deutsche Konkurrenz schaffte es nicht unter die besten 20.

Also, JACDEC has now awarded the world’s safest airlines of 2018 in its newest airline safety ranking.. We also decided it is time to say goodbye to the way we used to present our Index. A three-digit decimal number is no longer suitable to provide a clear and comprehensible depiction of an airline’s safety state. We do not make any difference in terms of cause or guilt. Das bestätigt auch der Luftfahrtautor Gunter Hartung, der in seinem gerade erschienenen Werk "Lust am Fliegen - Piloten und ihr Weg ins Cockpit" Flugzeugbesatzungen weltweit nach ihrer Berufswirklichkeit befragt hat.

Auch deutsche Fluggesellschaften wurden untersucht - sie schafften es allerdings nicht auf die Spitzenplätze. Boeing 737 MAX 8 von Lion Air: So ein Jet stürzte Ende Oktober am Flughafen von Jakarta ab Demnach belegte im Sicherheits-Ranking 2018 die Fluggesellschaft Emirates den ersten Platz der sichersten Airlines des vergangenen Jahres. Dortige Fluggesellschaften würden immer wieder durch Massenbestellungen Hunderter neuer Jets Schlagzeilen machen, ohne aber über genügend erfahrene Crews oder Mechaniker zu verfügen. For thirteen years we focussed very much on the accident/incident history of each carrier and disregarded the variety of other influential parameters such as systemic operational risks.

The JACDEC Methodology and Definitions. One lesson of our now decade-long experience in aviation safety analysis is the following: There is a direct correlation between the safety of an airline and the competence and transparency of the regulating authorities.In particular, it is investigated how a country is able to meet and maintain defined standards of aviation safety.Furthermore, we looked at the level of transparency a governing authority has got.
The World’s Safest Airlines 2018 – Emirates on Top! Your Center for Aviation Safety Information After a period of thirteen consecutive years of our Safety Index Rating, we decided that it is time for a fundamental change both in terms of methodology and calculation in itself. Why is that ? A new study performed by the Jet Airliner Crash Data Evaluation Centre (JACDEC) has shown, that low cost carriers do not have to be unsafe whatsoever. Boeing 737 MAX 8 von Lion Air: So ein Jet stürzte Ende Oktober am Flughafen von Jakarta abDie Zahl der bei Flugzeugunglücken umgekommenen Menschen ist im ablaufenden Jahr laut Experten drastisch angestiegen. In addition, we are doing all we can to bundle up all other safety-related factors such as whether an airline has passed a safety audit or whether the country it operates in is able to provide adequate safety oversight or what systemic risks to its everyday operations are prevailing. Only passenger flights counted.

Die deutsche Lufthansa fiel im Vergleich zum Vorjahr deutlich ab.

We agreed to express airline safety in a new way, a percentage number. Erfasst werden Flugzeuge mit über 5,7 Tonnen Gewicht oder 19 Sitzen. Mostly because there still is a lack of a global benchmark or a transparent supranational audit dealing with those sectors.But nonetheless, the JACDEC Risk-Index can be regarded as an approximate value and in our view the best possible way to give travelers an idea of how different air-operators are doing in the field of safety.


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