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Ihr wurde vorgeworfen, Kleider, die sie über ihr eigenes Label verkaufte, bei Aliexpress besorgt zu haben. Scheinbar können einige Influencer der Wahrheit nicht ins Auge blicken.» Zwar habe es immer wieder Influencer gegeben, die mit den Posts auf Beauty.fake nicht einverstanden gewesen seien, so etwa die deutsche Sängerin Senna Gammour.Eskaliert sei es jedoch nach einem Post über das Label von Influencerin Arigona und einem 20-Minuten-Bericht darüber. 362 Followers, 742 Following, 103 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from AlbinaBeauty Hair & Make up ( ❤️ I think this is a great discussion that people should start having.

Because once your privacy gets invaded, your hot selfies ultimate photo collections are all over the internet like it’s a normal thing to do. Some of the girls edit their photos until they are unrecognisable in person, and that honestly scares me. Yet, how does this fair when it comes to what the heavily edited images portray? I could be really hypocritical to myself and say “who really cares about they do” as I sit here putting time and effort into writing about it. Der neue Instagramkanal beauty.fake will zeigen, dass das Zweifeln an der eigenen Schönheit an den Haaren herbeigezogen ist. Dies, indem die Betreiberinnen – zwei Basler Studentinnen – anonym Vorher-nachher-Fotos oder angeblich fragwürdige Geschäfte von Influencerinnen und anderen berühmten Persönlichkeiten posteten.Doch seit Mitte Juni ist der Kanal offline. It’s not about comparing an edited and unedited and saying “see, she’s actually not that pretty!” Because then that’s saying that no REAL people are beautiful. It was about branding yourself as someone who had it all together — and this included your perfect coffee mugs and your cozy blankets just as much as it included your flawless hair and face and skin and nails.

I’ve seen comments about this page like “girls before you compare yourself to other girls, go look at this Instagram page” and that it’s an “eye opener”, “mind blowing”. I wasn't scrolling through my feed expecting to see strangers and everyone I knew alike donning cut-crease eye shadow, pore-less skin courtesy of a 12-step regimen that is "honestly I was a junior in college then, had just started learning and writing about beauty, and Instagram wasn't about friends or really even photography at all anymore. Auch hätten sie Kommentare von Usern dazu motiviert.

It’s scary we aspire to look like something that just isn’t real!Very interesting post! I was 18, hadn't started writing about beauty, and didn't know or care who Kylie Jenner was in the grand scheme of things yet. Brianna Wilkins, who posted the below, incredibly real-looking photo of her own version of Squiggle Brows, tells me she used FaceTune to achieve the brows after failed attempts of using makeup to complete the look. «Er meinte, wir wollten ihn sicher nicht als Feind haben. For me, I’d say it’s as fake as we make it! Über 77'000 Follower in weniger als drei Monaten: Der Instagram-Kanal Beauty.fake schlug hohe Wellen. Die Betreiberinnen vermuten: «Sie wollten uns damit zeigen, dass sie wissen, wer wir sind. Sie finde Beauty.fake gut und habe sie ein bisschen unterstützen wollen.Der angebliche Manager von Arigona hat bis zum Redaktionsschluss am Donnerstagabend nicht Stellung genommen, obwohl er die Anfrage gelesen hat. Besonders gegrillt wird Influencerin Kylie Jenner. Sie bestreitet die Vorwürfe.Über 77'000 Follower in weniger als drei Monaten: Der Instagram-Kanal Beauty.fake schlug täglich hohe Wellen. I wonder who that Anon is HMMM haha nah but I like the style of posts you are going for and I didn’t even know this account existed so learn something new about society every day!I have no idea who that person is lol, but YAY i’m so happy to hear that thank you for readingI think people are only doing what they’ve done for hundreds of years.


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