darius build 10

For that you need to carefully choose the right runes setup or build. Skill match up.Illaoi is a skill match up. Look for misuse of condemn or tumble and try to capitalize if they aren't good.Vlad is tough. You can support us ad-free for less than $1 a month! Trade heavily if she tries to harass you in your wave. If it goes late good luck.Trades decently for a tank but at the end of the day still a very easy match up for us.One of the few champions that can trade with us level 1 and win. Very easy.Extremely difficult. Spectre's cowl and CS here. We're more useful mid game.Kayle's range is abysmal at low levels and we should abuse this.

He's reasonably strong level 1 & 2 but we can out trade him and punish him hard. Darius in season 10 is probably one of the strongest top laner if played right. She will roam after shoving us into turret and put a lot of pressure on the map. Renekton wants short trades, try to position yourself where you can pull him back in to trade once he uses his cooldowns on you. I am also a top laner and [10.16] Strength is Absolute Ω Rhoku's Darius Guide[10.15] Real's COMPLETE Darius Guide (All Match Ups)[10.15] Real's COMPLETE Darius Guide (All Match Ups)Did this guide help you? She'll usually get fed. Early tabis is essential. D shield + cowl are essential in this match up. Want to support MOBAFire with an ad-free experience? Darius Build - Best Runes from the Best Data. He can poke us down early without us being able to answer. Respect her 6, especially if she gets an E off, never fight her post-6 when she gets a soul rip. Slightly more dangerous if he builds AP but still manageable for us. You have to snowball in this lane. Try to dodge her E (or pull her out of it) and then punish her for it. You can support us ad-free for less than $1 a month! This lane shouldn't be a problem, play standardly. Get an early spectre's cowl too. We get outscaled too and Kennen team fights better than us. Farm under turret and call for jungle pressure.

This algorithm is able to determine the best summoner spells, item build order, skill order, runes reforged, rune stats, counters, and team mates. First item tabis. Careful for him dodging it by going into you.Probably the biggest Darius counter in the game. Make him pay for it with E and punish him with extended trades while his spin is at low ranks. Her level 2 is pretty strong with her passive stacked, but Darius out trades her at all points in the game. Slightly shorter range than a couple of our counters, so you may be able to get a pull off on him in lane. He's also just as good of a team fighter as we are.

Be mindful of her passive and don't overplay into minion damage and you should easily take care of her.Jarvan top just isn't what it used to be. Not picked often top in this meta, has shifted to a support. Spectre's cowl + CS focus. If he E+Q's onto you, we can E him back in and beat him down. She sets up ganks very easily with her CC, and since you have an auto reset she procs it fast. This champ is terrible now and you probably won't see him played top, or if at all. Hey, I'm Real. He has to get on top of us to trade and is unable to burst us down.

Weak tank.

Build early cowl and focus on farming well for mid-game.This used to be a Darius favored match up, but in his current state Garen is just too strong. Alert your team as he will try to roam in this lane. If he goes in to trade, pull where you think the clone is.

One of the better 2v2 tops in the game for you.Hard CC and high damage.
Please verify that you are not a bot to cast your vote.Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue He does deceptive damage. Ryze is OP currently and overdue for nerfs.

You'll have to be patient in this lane.Stronger than other tanks but still a very manageable match up for Darius. Get early tabis and trades become more one-sided.Darius conventionally counters Rumble. Easy match up he should be under his turret for most of the game.We counter Mundo hard. We win pre-6 and post-6 and should snowball this lane hard.Great synergy with Darius. Try to punish her early and snowball the lane. Hug walls when she ults so she can't full proc R. Don't let her farm evenly with you or it will not be good.A little easier with Klepto out of the game but still a nightmare lane if the Kennen plays it properly.

He can block our hemorrhage stacking with his W briefly but it's not enough to be a concern. Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker! Patch 10.15 Teemo's auto range is less than your pull range. Try to punish a misplay and farm. Want to support MOBAFire with an ad-free experience? Respect Olaf's early game and we will be stronger mid + late game. League of Legends Premiere Darius Strategy Builds and Tools. Darius build guides on MOBAFire. Force him out of lane. Don't fall behind in this lane.Darius wins early, but the longer the lane goes on the harder Yorick gets. If you die once, he'll build armor, and you will not be able to do anything. Not much of an issue at all for us. We've used our extensive database of League of Legends stats along with proprietary algorithms to calculate the most optimal build for Darius. Executioners Calling is very good in this lane because his W does heal him an annoying amount. Enemies struck by the blade take 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 (+1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 / 1.4 per attack damage) physical damage and receive a stack of Hemorrhage. [10.15] RTO'S Challenger Darius Top Lane. If so please give them a vote or leave a comment.After a 0.75 second delay, Darius swings his axe in a wide circle.
Not only is he a tank, but our ult directly counters his. His trade pattern is bad. This could be a 5.Very easy lane.

Help Support Our Growing Community. Be careful over commiting level 1, Jax E is deceptively strong. If you mess up in this lane it becomes unwinnable.


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