definition dispersion chemie

Ihr Bowser ist nicht aktuell. Additive for hydrophobic wetting, dispersion and viscosity reduction: BYK-W 900
This limits the length of fiber that a signal can be sent down without regeneration. Login Dispersion forces are long-range and can be effective from large distance (>10nm) down to interatomic distances. 157 123423, Moskau Russland. 34, bld. 1. office. Pergamon Press.Single-Dish Radio Astronomy: Techniques and Applications, ASP Conference Proceedings, Vol. Unter Dispersion (von lateinisch dispergere, „ausbreiten, zerstreuen“) versteht man in der Physik die Abhängigkeit einer physikalischen Größe von der Frequenz einer Welle.In der Optik ist dies speziell die von der Frequenz des Lichts abhängende Ausbreitungsgeschwindigkeit des Lichts in Medien. This makes dispersion management extremely important in optical communications systems based on optical fiber, since if dispersion is too high, a group of pulses representing a bit-stream will spread in time and merge, rendering the bit-stream unintelligible. Dispersionsfarbe Als Dispersionsfarben oder -anstriche bezeichnet man zähflüssige Anstriche die aus einer chemischen Dispersion (meistens einer Emulsion) aus. Czech Republic Bodo Möller Chemie Czech & Slovakia, s.r.o. The main features of dispersion force (Dispersion forces act over a smaller surface area. The net effect is that the fluctuations in electron positions in one atom induce a corresponding redistribution of electrons in other atoms, such that the electron motions become correlated. In optics, one important and familiar consequence of dispersion is the change in the angle of The most familiar example of dispersion is probably a Most often, chromatic dispersion refers to bulk material dispersion, that is, the change in Material dispersion can be a desirable or undesirable effect in optical applications. pg. What This article is about dispersion of waves in optics.

For example; Since covalent bonds are formed by equal sharing of electrons, therefore, there must be no charge on both sides of the molecule but because of the high electronegativity of chlorine, the bonding electrons shifted towards chlorine atom. The particles in the dispersed phase can take place in different phases depending on how much water is available.
Due to these partial charges on both poles of molecules, they attract each other and have weak interaction forces between molecules.On the contrary, in non-polar molecules like chlorine molecule, the bonding electrons are placed exactly at the centre of the bond. To visualize the origin of dispersion forces, it is necessary to think in terms of the instantaneous distribution of electron density rather than average distribution.For example, consider neon which is a gas at room temperature.On the basis of polarity, molecules can be classified as polar and nonpolar molecules. EPDLA – European Polymer Dispersion and Latex Association. The type of polymer dispersion to be used is selected based on the particle size and presence of solid content. Eine Dispersion ist in der Chemie ein heterogenes Gemenge aus mindestens zwei Stoffen, die sich nicht oder kaum ineinander lösen oder chemisch miteinander verbinden. In der Wikipedia ist eine Liste der Autoren verfügbar. In physics, the term "dispersion" describes the variation of a quantity with frequency, which is the fluctuation of the electrons in the case of the London dispersion. In der Regel handelt es sich dabei um Kolloide . This is known as group velocity dispersion (GVD) and causes a short pulse of light to be broadened, as the different frequency components within the pulse travel at different velocities. As surface area decreases, London dispersion forces act over a smaller surface area. Die Mindestfilmbildetemperatur wird nach DIN 53 787 als die niedrigste Temperatur bezeichnet, bei der eine dünne Schicht einer Kunststoffdispersion noch zu einem zusammenhängenden Film auftrocknet. Then how these molecules will attract each other, Or there will be no interaction between molecules. The principle aspect of dispersion force is the determination of the order of magnitude of the attractive force. EPDLA, the European Polymer Dispersion and Latex Association (Cefic Sector Group) is dedicated to promote the safe manufacture, transportation, distribution, handling and use of waterborne polymer dispersions and lattices, in compliance with regulatory requirements and industry guidelines. Dispersion (Physik), in der Physik die Abhängigkeit von Welleneigenschaften (insbesondere der Ausbreitungsgeschwindigkeit) von der Wellenlänge, siehe auch: Dispersion (Wasserwellen) an der Oberfläche eines Mediums oder auch die Abhängigkeit der Kreisfrequenz vom Wellenvektor, siehe Dispersionsrelation Wichtig ist die Mindestfilmbildungstemperatur für die Ausbildung einer festen zusammenhängenden Oberfläche aus einer Dispersion (Chemie). Suspensionen in Wasser bezeichnet man in der Werkstoffkunde oder bei natürlichen Vorkommen auch als Aufschlämmung.. Sedimentation . Hence the attraction between molecules decreases and boiling point decreases. Polymer dispersions are used in various application such as inks, adhesives, paints, coatings, papers, and sealants. In optics, dispersion is the phenomenon in which the phase velocity of a wave depends on its frequency. Mehr sehen ... Es gibt eine kurze Definition jedes Konzept und seine Beziehungen.


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