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Dadurch werden Daten an YouTube übermittelt. But the bigger story was the rise of the Alternative für Deutschland — a far-right insurgency now conquering the youth vote.

But if celebration was in order on Sunday night, there are also storm clouds on the horizon.Ramelow first became Thuringia’s minister-president after the last such contest in late 2014. Voters […]Sunday was a good night for the members and supporters of Germany’s left-wing Die Linke party, as it picked up a historic 31 percent of the vote in the Thuringia state election. He is no caricature of a provincial simpleton with an irrational dislike for immigrants, but rather a disciplined, ideologically driven operator.Höcke has grasped the AfD’s potential to become a mass party that if not directly espouses at least tolerates and provides cover for his brand of organized white supremacy. Yet it is hard to picture a scenario in which red-red-green will become an option on the national stage anytime soon, particularly as the unprecedented rise of the AfD destabilizes parliamentary politics and makes majorities of any kind difficult to come by. His government had a razor-thin majority, propped up by the SPD and the Greens, with a broadly center-left platform calling for political reforms and renewed infrastructural investment. zur Identitären Bewegung und zur Neuen Rechten) über aktuelle Entwicklungen innerhalb der extremen Rechten und mögliche Gegenstragien.Rechte Hetze und Trollattacken bedeuten Stress für diejenigen, die davon betroffen sind und damit umgehen müssen. Jörg Schindler spricht mit Natascha Strobl – Thema: Extreme Rechte zwischen Parlament und Terror?

Folgen Sie uns auf Flickr Finden Sie jetzt 91 zu besetzende Linke Jobs auf Indeed.com, der weltweiten Nr. In unserem Seminar teilen wir Erfahrungen und nehmen gemeinsam Schwung für die nächsten Monate.Willst Du das Video ansehen? Dazu sagt Katja Kipping, die Vorsitzende der Partei DIE LINKE: Led by Bodo Ramelow — the incumbent minister-president — it won resoundingly, bucking Die Linke’s otherwise largely downward trend in recent years. He developed a special relationship with Andrej Hunko, which grew into support on a party-level with Die Linke, branding Kiritschuk as an ‘ anti-fascist ´ being persecuted by the new Ukrainian government. Der Immobilienkonzern Deutsche Wohnen ist auf Einkaufstour und möchte 23 Häuser kaufen, darunter 21 in Berlin. The government passed laws guaranteeing all families two years of free childcare, hired hundreds of new teachers, expanded high-speed internet access (a constant headache in the eastern states), and bolstered public transport subsidies for students. A text about the party 'Die Linke' - with questions. Yet Thuringia’s economy is performing comparatively well, and the government did follow through on several campaign promises. All of these, however, ended with Die Linke taking heavy electoral losses in the next few election cycles. A likable face is no substitute for powerful social movements and electoral majorities — but it certainly doesn’t hurt.The other big — indeed, bigger — story of election night was the continued rise of the right-populist AfD. As a young party with few deep roots in the organized labor movement, Die Linke has struggled to build coherent, lasting links between its public image and a broad electoral base. But with the far-right Björn Höcke leading the parliamentary opposition, the political stakes both within and beyond this minor eastern state have just been upped considerably. Die Vorsitzende der LINKEN spricht im Sommergespräch unter anderem über die sozialen Schieflagen in der Corona-Krisenpolitik und über die Perspektive neuer sozialer Mehrheiten jenseits der Großen Koalition.Der Milliardär Tönnies ist in der Lokalpolitik bestens vernetzt.

This doesn't appear to be a valid email. Bild: Imago Für diese Häuser hat... Defending and consolidating Die Linke’s dominant position in the state will prove tricky, especially as the AfD is now the leading party among young Thuringians. (Basierend auf Total Visits weltweit, Quelle: comScore) Kontakt His wing of the party — literally called “The Wing” — is flanked by a network of self-styled intellectuals and far-right activist groups constituting the bedrock of the country’s New Right, of which the AfD is only the most well-known ­and superficially palatable expression.While the AfD continues to assert itself as the new champion of the dispossessed across the eastern states, Die Linke’s base in Thuringia remains disproportionately concentrated among voters over fifty and the retired.


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