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about Perception of lowercase letters in peripheral vision: a discrimination matrix based on saccade latencies.Curie, A., Brun A., Cheylus A., Reboul A., Nazir T., Bussy G., et al. about {On hemispheric specialisation and visual field effects in the perception of print: A comment on Jordan, Patching, and Thomas.} Nazir, T. A., Hrycyk L., Moreau Q., Frak V., Cheylus A., Ott L., et al. Nun wurde Theresia von … about PURE ALEXIA AND THE VIEWING POSITION EFFECT IN PRINTED WORDS about On the origins of age-of-acquisition effects in the perception of printed wordsBoulenger, V., Roy A. C., Paulignan Y., Deprez V., Jeannerod M., & Nazir T. A. about Cross-talk between language processes and overt motor behavior in the first 200 msec of processingCai, Q., Paulignan Y., Brysbaert M., Ibarrola D., & Nazir T. A. about The left ventral occipito-temporal response to words depends on language lateralization but not on visual familiarity.Rosazza, C., Cai Q., Minati L., Paulignan Y., & Nazir T. A. about Early involvement of dorsal and ventral pathways in visual word recognition: an ERP study.
Supporting actions with semantically congruent spoken action words. about The c.429_452 duplication of the ARX gene: a unique developmental-model of limb kinetic apraxia.Ménoret, M., Curie A., Portes V. Des, Nazir T. A., & Paulignan Y. about Motor resonance facilitates movement execution: an ERP and kinematic studyRoy, A. C., Curie A., Nazir T., Paulignan Y., Portes V. Des, Fourneret P., et al. about Basal ganglia involvement in ARX patients: The reason for ARX patients very specific grasping?Martin, C. D., Thierry G., Démonet J-F., Roberts M., & Nazir T. Institut des Sciences Cognitives - Marc Jeannerod - UMR5304 CNRS Université Lyon 1 - 67, Bd Pinel - 69675 BRON CEDEX - Tel : 04 37 91 12 47 - Fax : 04 37 91 12 10 À ce jour, elle a remporté un titre en simple et quatre titres en double dames sur le circuit WTA Biographie. Leave me a LIKE and comment below this Video if you can relate. about Eye movement control in reading unspaced text: the case of the Japanese scriptAghababian, V.., Nazir T.. A., C. con L., & Tardy M.. about {From "logographic" to normal reading: the case of a deaf beginning reader.} cois about {Perceptual and lexical effects in letter identification: an event-related potential study of the word superiority effect.} about Neural basis of non-verbal social interactions : implications of the motor system and hyperscanningAravena, P., Deprez V., Paulignan Y., Cheylus A., Frak V., & Nazir T. A. about Contextual effects on motor activation during "action word" processing: Grip force study of volition denoting sentencesFrak, V., Nazir T., Goyette M., Cohen H., & Jeannerod M. about {Grip force is part of the semantic representation of manual action verbs. A-Sexual. Bei einem schweren Autounfall kamen alle drei ums Leben. about Apport de la psychologie expérimentale dans la compréhension des processus impliqués dans la lecture about Modélisation du traitement des mots écrits: le rôle des codes prélexicaux, lexicaux et sémantiques about Möglichkeiten einer experimentellen Dyslexieforschung auf der Basis der aktuellen Lesepsychologie about Language and Action: Dynamics of the functional links between action verbs and motor controlMartin, C. D., Nazir T., Thierry G., Paulignan Y., & Démonet J-F\c. A., Nazir T., Bott L., Lanzetti V., & Sperber D. about MODELLING SENSORY INTEGRATION AND EMBODIED COGNITION IN A MODEL OF WORD RECOGNITIONBoulenger, V.., Décoppet N.., Roy A.C.., Paulignan Y.., & Nazir T.A.. about Differential effects of Age-of-Acquisition for concrete nouns and actions verbs: Evidence for partly distinct representations? about Some results on translation invariance in the human visual system. about Neural correlates of non-verbal social interactions: a dual-EEG study. Her research focuses on the role environment plays in the development of cognitive processes (Embodied Cognition). about On the role of refixations in letter strings: the influence of oculomotor factors. about Grip force reveals the context sensitivity of language-induced motor activity during "action words" processing: evidence from sentential negation.Aravena, P., Courson M., Frak V., Cheylus A., Paulignan Y., Deprez V., et al. about {Developing normal reading skills: aspects of the visual processes underlying word recognition.} about Interwoven Functionality of the Brain's Action and Language SystemsDe Carvalho, A., Reboul A., Van Der Henst J-B., Cheylus A., & Nazir T. about Scalar Implicatures: The psychological reality of scalesCurie, A., Nazir T., Brun A., Paulignan Y., Reboul A., Delange K., et al. Bei "Germany’s next Topmodel" haben sie sich kennengelernt, doch auch nach ihrem Aus sind Ex-GNTM-Tatjana und Theresia BFFs. about Nouvelles perspectives dans l'atteinte spécifique du langage présentée par les patients ARX et la dysrégulation sous-jacente de FOXP1Ploux, S., Dabic S., Paulignan Y., Cheylus A., & Nazir T. A. about Toward a Neurolexicology: A Method for Exploring the Organization of the Mental Lexicon by Analyzing Electrophysiological SignalsFedor, A., Pleh C., Brauer J., Caplan D., Friederici A., Gulyas B., et al. Männerbesuch in Villa: Heiße Küsse und Flirt | TRAILER | 18.04.19, 20:15 Uhr | GNTM 2019 | ProSieben
about A simple technique to study embodied language processes: the grip force sensorAravena, P., Delevoye-Turrell Y., Deprez V., Cheylus A., Paulignan Y., Frak V., et al. Sharing my Story…I am very hesitant to upload this Video.


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