Dabei sind die U-Boote fast lautlos und daher schwer zu orten.Nun hat die Kieler Werft ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) mit der 212-CD-Klasse die vierte Generation des Antriebs präsentiert. Out of the typical recent examples of this Russian hard line is the aircraft-carrier KUZNETSOV, being deployed in November 2016 from Cape North into the Med on patrol off the Lattaquié port of Syria. But it may obviously mean that their leading requirement was the agility to move inside the narrow fjords more than a silent hunt for deep waters intruders.This is quite an occasion to investigate a little bit those significant differences, if any, between the French and the German concepts and achievements in conventional submarines.Baltic Sea means shallow waters, with a medium depth of 56 meters, which dictates quite specific submarines. You choose your term length 3 and how much money to deposit. The Type 212’s double hull displaces 1,800 tons submerged, and is made of nonmagnetic materials so that it is not susceptible to detection by magnetic anomaly detectors. Die neuen U-Boote sollen die sogenannte Ula-Klasse ersetzen. Made of more resilient high tensile steel an ocean going sub would in a similar case remain safe.The Baltic shallow waters also dictate much “lighter” submarine concept and hull systems: rather low pressure sea water circuits and hull valves, same for drainage or regulating pumps discharge pressure, low HP air blowing into the ballast tanks for surfacing the ship etc. As a result, when at periscope depth, particularly when snorkeling, the ship center of gravity is closer to the surface, hence more subject to the rough seas waves sucking effect which may surface the submarine for a while, making her dangerously detectable by searching radars, particularly airborne.Finally the water salinity in the Baltic is quite lower and variable compared to the ocean open sea, with the result to impose the Chief Naval Architect of the submarine a much broader accessible water density than it is for ocean going submarine, with the result of a bigger volume of regulating tanks onboard.So, obliged to design exclusively Baltic submarines by the post WW2 treaties, the German builders very smartly invented the “submarine light”, cheaper than the heavy ocean ones, well tailored to the Baltic operations, served by a few unmatched experts of Baltic navigation, heirs of the famous “Atlantic wolves” and, as such acceptable by most of the sub warfare beginners worldwide.All this combined give the Germans a commercial lead on the submarines market in terms of agility, flexibility, easy handling, reliability and price. Deutschland war bis 1980 durch das Protokoll Nr. Such a thin water layer forces the transiting submarines to skim the sandy bottoms, not to be detected, neither to risk collision with deep draft merchant ships.
They were people of the great oceans, of the long runs, kind of silence hunters. Beide Länder wollen sechs U-Boote der 212-CD-Klasse bestellen - Norwegen vier, Deutschland zwei. Beitrags-Navigation. Schon jetzt hat das System 70.000 Teststunden hinter sich. U2 CD Vol 5 | កម្លាំង និង វាសនា (ផានិត + រស្មី + វិច្ឆិកា) U2-5 - Duration: 35:50. So will die norwegische Marine Betriebskosten und Kosten für Ersatzteile einsparen und die Einsatzbereitschaft der in Deutschland gebauten Ula-Klasse bis zum Jahr 2028 gewährleisten.
Type 212 is equipped with a water ram expulsion system for torpedo launches.
Aus Polen hört man wenig und Italien könnte in Richtung U212 2. Wie das norwegische Verteidigungsministerium in einer heute veröffentlichten Mitteilung weiter schreibt, soll der Vertrag dann im ersten Halbjahr 2020 unterschrieben … Die in der kommenden Dekade von Norwegen und Deutschland gemeinsam zu beschaffenden sechs U-Boote der Klasse 212 CD werden voraussichtlich zahlreiche Innovationen aufweisen. (03.03.2019, 20:36) TheVoice schrieb: U212 CD ist ja derzeit ein rein Deutsch - Norwegisches Projekt. Kiel ist die Wiege des deutschen U-Boot-Baus. The need to skim at sometimes rather high speed generated a development of submarines dedicated auto-pilots systems which, so far have been unique and performing.In those waters, the submarine safety is subject to a couple of vital risks: being detected, visually or by magnetic airborne or ship borne sensors, through the thin water layer. Allerdings scheint nach Informationen von NDR Schleswig-Holstein dieser Termin nicht mehr sicher zu sein.
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