World of Warships ROON Gameplay. As brawling seems to be the core gameplay of them, a secondary build coupled with survivabiliy looks essential. For the rest, both EM and AR do little, but I agree with everyone above that AR might have a small advantage. Tactical diversity in World of Warships comes from the inclusion of many different classes of warships, including: Epic battles rage across the oceans of the world in order to claim victory among teams comprised of the greatest representatives from the era of multi-ton marine giants. IMO (as a KM cruiser main), this is an excellent complement of skills for the Roon. 25mm x 1.3 = 32,9999999 ~ 33mm which means the Cleveland can now penetrate 32mm and shatters at 33mm of armour. ---------------Rileva linguaAfrikaansAlbaneseAmaricoAraboArmenoAzerbaigianoBascoBengaleseBielorussoBirmanoBosniacoBulgaroCatalanoCebuanoCecoChirghisoCinese (semplificato)Cinese (tradizionale)CoreanoCorsoCroatoCurdoDaneseEbraicoEsperantoEstoneFilippinoFinlandeseFranceseFrisone occidentaleGaelico scozzeseGalizianoGalleseGeorgianoGiapponeseGiavaneseGrecoGujaratiHaitianoHausaHawaianoHindiHmongIgboIndonesianoIngleseIrlandeseIslandeseItalianoKannadaKazakoKhmerLaoLatinoLettoneLituanoLussemburgheseMacedoneMalayalamMaleseMalgascioMalteseMaoriMarathiMongoloNepaleseNorvegeseNyanjaOlandesePashtoPersianoPolaccoPortoghesePunjabiRumenoRussoSamoanoSerboShonaSindhiSingaleseSlovaccoSlovenoSomaloSotho del sudSpagnoloSundaneseSvedeseSwahiliTagicoTamilTedescoTeluguThaiTurcoUcrainoUnghereseUrduUzbecoVietnamitaXhosaYiddishYorubaZuluItaliano
Sporting more main battery rifles than all other Tier X cruisers save the Japanese Zao and Italian Venezia , Hindenburg is gifted with a balanced 4x3 turret layout: turrets "Anton" and "Bruno" are forward of the superstructure, while "Caesar" and "Dora" are aft of it. Most players, who want to use german battleships "effectively", take a full on tank build for the germans.
TBH you might wanna try secondary Umikaze. The only difference between what you've selected and what I have is that I take BFT instead of DE. By _Guest_, January 23, 2017 in German Cruisers. Secondaries aren't actually that effective compared to other things you could focus on. World of Warships New Ships!
October 13, 2015 WoWs Videos 25:41. With all these upgrades, at 6/5km the hits scored by the secondary battery of the roon are too few. I think it's a common misconception that secondary builds are to be used against BBs. For a long time, I took MAM1, HSM1, AAGM2, SGM2, CSM1, and MBM3, but I found giving up the concealment (to 12.3km) and increase in RoF in exchange for 3km of additional range and better maneuverability has provided me a lot more flexibility on positioning and targets. No, really, secondary build DDs utterly wreck CLs if they can pen at range. Roon's guns are literally the same as Hipper's but with 2.05 sigma instead of 2.0, 0.5s faster reload and one more gun. If your secondaries do more damage than your main battery at T9-10, go learn how to play ships at lower tiers. As Roon, and Hindy, you will primarily fire HE, but with a longish reload, what to do about switching to AP on that juicy broadside CA, or BB?
I much prefer taking a couple extra level-one skills instead as this gives me much better versatility and value to me and the team. Good gameplay will pace the turret rotation with positioning and engagement, overriding the benefits of EM.
Recommended Posts. You need to play a total of 50 battles to post in this section. Sometimes it can't hit the target for a long … From my empirical experience that both EM and AR have negligible effect on ships that have fast-rotating turrets. IJN cruisers need EM because their maneuverability heavily out-paces their turret speed. All secondary builds for fun only. which is the main feature of IFHE? Take main battery reload mod on T9-10 (or range mod, if you lack range) and get some meaningful benefit. All secondary builds for fun only.
Sure, cruisers want to mitigate damage, muting the influence of AR, but reality is that even with careful game play, damage will be taken. Ever.
Most ships have a penetration of 1/6 of their caliber:
Good gameplay with also keep the ship full(-ish) health throughout the match, overriding the benefits of AR. Alle 14/6/2018 alle 22:52, Zemeritt ha scritto: what is the main feature of IFHE? And please don't use secondary reload mod. Lest in unserem Guide, wie ihr die vielseitigen Schiffe am besten einsetzt. You haven't said you have basic firing training or adrenaline rush — try adding those to your build. A little general info about what Roon is will help audiophiles understand why they would want to build a dedicated server to run as a Roon Core. This allows the Cleveland to penetrate cruiser and battleship plating and makes it easier to damage the enemy.
Send up your spotter or fighter and you now can see torps on all sides coming at you, you get an additional hydro, so leverage this late game when you push. Only do Secondary Roon if you're meming.
Aren't thoses kind of build mandatory for the German BB's ? Weapons scheme. I know, 3 1 point skills, wth?? I take MAM1, HSM1, AAGM2, PM2, SGM3, and GFCM2. Then take AFT, and SI next as points allow. I personaly use an IFHE sec build on the GK for the lulz, since it provides me another playstyle for my T10 BBs. Good gameplay will pace the turret rotation with positioning and engagement, overriding the benefits of EM. Aren't thoses kind of build mandatory for the German BB's ? Note: This is based off of the ingame ship, not any actual designs. You need to play a total of 10 battles to post in this section. Secondaries don't usually do much, but when an Edin strays within 8km of my Gneis it loses HP quickly. For big ships with slow-rotating turrets, EM has much higher percentage gain and may keep turrets aimed while evading incoming fire, so EM > AR. Since cruisers' function is largely centered around DPM, AR can be hugely beneficial to them.
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